Saturday, February 25, 2006

Night Walk

Friday was a hectic but good day. Had my first game with the B div, good game in all, was very impressed with their drive and desire to win and score. Got scored over many times, good, they were not intimidated by big lumbering defenders. Was also reminded cruelly of my lack of form, the body will not respond to where the mind want it to go. My left knee needs more strengthening, it must last till Rinjani in June. After that we'll see.

Went to meet my fellow NUS coursemates for a night walk after that. I love night walks, you move more slowly through the forest or stream and your eyes only look at where your torchlight lands on and this actually brings to your attention more detail and more beauty. Had a really good walk, saw alot of fascinating animals; long legged spiders, a spider with an unusually green and long abdomen, 2 stick insects, a huntsman spider, 2 long legged centipede, a scorpion feeding on a spider, black eyed litter frog and the best find of all, a slow loris (Nycticebus coucang).
One of my friend was trying to look for flying lemurs amongst the trees when her torch was reflected off 2 huge eyes. It was moving too slowly for a monkey and had eyes too big for a squirrel. "Eh eh mammal mammal! I think it's a loris!", came her urgent whisper. Within moments, 4 beams of torchlight were swinging to and fro amongst the branches, hoping to locate this elusive animal. The excitement was palpable, all of us live for moments like this, hoping to have the briefest contact with what nature has, all creatures big and small. After about 10 minutes of hard searching, our torchlights were reflected off 2 huge globes. From the amount of light reflected and the size of the eyes, this has to be a nocturnal creature with excellent night vision. We followed the creature as it slowly ambled down a brach and lost sight of it when it moved into an area with thick leaves, leaving behind an excited quartet trying their very best to record the moment in their minds.
Did not bring my camera along, which is probably why I could see so many animals (i think i am cursed). Shall post photos when pictures come.


Blogger littleoddball said...

Haha, how about considering doing beep test with us someday? It'll help (:

and nah you seemed pretty fit and all. nice to see ppl enjoying the game and have fun like that. heh.

1:20 AM  
Blogger Monkey said...

wah lau!! u saw a slow loris!!! i also want to see!! :x my tree no loris one :(

9:20 AM  

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